How to start a successful blog in 9 Steps?

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Do you know whatโ€™s awesome in this day and age? You can have a steady income and be independent (and hereโ€™s how). And thatโ€™s all possible without any major investments. For instance, you can always start a blog. However, thereโ€™s one important thing to bear in mind. You have to start a successful blog, not just any blog.

This is where things might get a little bit touchy. Anyone can start writing random stuff. And anyone can post it on various free platforms out there. Although not everyone can make it all work. Not everyone can turn it into a money-making machine. Thereโ€™s stuff youโ€™ve got to learn before you venture into this.

Of course, the whole thing wonโ€™t work if youโ€™re not good at what youโ€™re writing. And the chances are much higher if youโ€™re passionate about it. In fact, this is an entry ticket. Without it, itโ€™s hard to make it all work.

But if you have this part covered, itโ€™s time to take it to the next level. Yes, itโ€™s possible to earn from your blog and even make a living. First, youโ€™ll need to follow these steps.

Step 1: Figure out the focus of your blog

Right from the very start, you need to know what your blog will be about. And you need to have at least a somewhat defined vision of it. There should be a focus on a specific topic or a scope of topics. In short, you should think of your blogโ€™s theme. And, whatever may be the focus, you should be good at what youโ€™re writing about. If youโ€™re not good at what youโ€™re planning to write about, then do your research.

Figuring this part out may be more difficult than it seems. The problem is that there are most likely countless blogs on the same topic. But, at the same time, you should also find a way to make it unique. But make sure not to get carried away, so to speak. For instance, if things get too geeky, you might scare away your potential audience.

Without a focus, you might as well forget about having a blog. In fact, thereโ€™s no point in having one if you donโ€™t know what to write about.

Step 2: Get to know your target audience

While weโ€™re at it, you should also be familiar with your target audience. Even if youโ€™re good at what youโ€™re covering, it doesnโ€™t guarantee your blogโ€™s success. You need to know what your potential audience wants to read about.

Your audience is the essential component. Without it, nothing would be possible. After all, the success of your blog depends on it.

Bear in mind that itโ€™s not all about quantity. Sure, itโ€™s always better to have more. But itโ€™s way better to have people who are willing to engage with your blog. This brings more potential in the longer run. And, with a dedicated following, youโ€™ll be able to earn a living from it. But weโ€™ll get to that.

Step 3: Test the waters with a free blog platform

Before you go any further, itโ€™s best to hone your skills on a free blogging platform. Itโ€™s always better to test things before you go in it full-on. Luckily, thereโ€™s an abundance of those. Itโ€™s not that hard to start an actual blog these days. All youโ€™ll have to do is sign up and youโ€™re good to go!

Step 4: Buy a suitable domain

Sure, doing it all for free is awesome. And it takes no more than signing up. However, if you want an actual successful blog, then you should buy a domain. Otherwise, thereโ€™s almost no chance for you to make it big.

The first thing that youโ€™ll need to do is to think of the domain name. And this is where things can get pretty difficult. Itโ€™s hard to find a suitable domain. The chances are that the domain name you have in mind is taken. Youโ€™ll need to be creative here and come up with alternatives. In some cases, youโ€™ll have to change the approach to building your new brand.

You should also bear in mind that some domains cost more than others. Even those that arenโ€™t taken can be more expensive to obtain. And those that are taken are usually pretty good and are selling for astronomical sums. But thatโ€™s a whole other story.

Either way, youโ€™ll also have to pay for your domain every year. But this shouldnโ€™t be that expensive in most cases.

Step 5: Find a suitable hosting platform

Aside from a domain, youโ€™ll need to have a suitable hosting platform. This is where all of your websiteโ€™s data and files will be stored. If youโ€™re hosting a regular blog, you can go with any platform. Look for cheaper but reliable solutions.

If youโ€™re planning to upload videos or bigger files, then youโ€™ll need something serious. But thereโ€™s hardly any need for that. For videos, you can always use YouTube or any other video hosting platform. And for larger files, you have Google Drive or Dropbox.

Bear in mind that youโ€™ll have to pay for hosting every month. The cheapest hosting options are usually around $5.

Step 6: Write engaging and meaningful content

And now we get to the content, the main part of every blog. It goes without saying that your content has to be good. Yes, youโ€™ve probably heard this a million times. But thereโ€™s no other way to build or keep your audience on it.

No matter the topic, we have rough competition in pretty much all fields. Whatever you write about, you need to know your stuff. And you need to write it in an accessible way.

Step 7: Build your brand

After this, you should also think of building your brand. This is not only about your visual identity, but also how well it works with your content. The websiteโ€™s design, the logo, and the articles should all make sense.

You should look for inspiration in other similar blogs. For instance, if you write about gaming, go check out other gaming and tech blogs. Donโ€™t steal their style and content. Just look for patterns and general ideas. And then think about what you can do differently to be unique while staying within the style.

For smaller blogs, itโ€™s usually to have it more โ€œpersonal.โ€ Write honestly from your perspective. Use your name and identity and have a hands-on approach. Bonus points if you have your original pictures.

WordPress makes this process easier. You can also use free designs and themes for it. The other option includes hiring a developer to build your website from scratch.  But that would be expensive.

Step 8: Think of Google rules

Like it or not, weโ€™re all dependent on Google. This comes with its good sides and bad sides. The good side is that Google penalizes stolen content. No one can just copy and paste what you wrote and expect to do better than you. And the same goes for you. So have original content.

But the bad side is that things often get complicated. Whatโ€™s more, no one can fully know what the Google algorithm does. You should follow basic SEO rules. Aside from the text itself, other stuff should not be stolen as well. Use royalty-free stock photos or take your own if possible.

Additionally, Google now favors a more genuine first-person content for blogs. First-person perspective does much better than just rewritten blog posts. So passing the Copyscape test is no longer the required minimum.

This whole thing can get a bit messy. You can check out some of the most important rules at this location.

Step 9: Monetization options

And, finally, you should find a way to monetize your blog. This is the end goal. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do so. You can apply for Googleโ€™s AdSense program and earn money from Google ads. You can also get into any online retailer affiliate program. Amazon is pretty popular for this. However, there are plenty of other options depending on your blogโ€™s focus.

And there are also other methods as well. You can use your website for promotions and you can charge for the service. You can also sell merch through dropshipping. But for this to work, youโ€™ll first have to grow your blog and this takes time. This is why the best option for a new blog is to go with Google AdSense and the Amazon affiliate program.

Remember: There isnโ€™t a certified way to start a successful blog

Yes, it may sound like a clichรฉ. But every blog is unique. Or, at least it should be. With that said, there isnโ€™t a safe proven way to start a successful blog. On the other hand, there are proven ways to make money online with no experience.

You can try and completely copy the style of someone elseโ€™s blog. But thereโ€™s no guarantee that your blog will be successful.

It may sound like something youโ€™ve heard hundreds of times before. But your blog has to be genuine. Thatโ€™s the entry ticket. Without that part, youโ€™ll have a hard time having a successful blog. A mediocre one would be possible. But doing anything better than that is hardly likely.

Aside from knowing how to start a successful blog, thereโ€™s other stuff that can help you earn money online. If youโ€™re wondering what could that be, keep reading our blog.