How to make money playing video games โ€“ 10 Methods that work

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Just a couple of decades ago, playing video games was just that. Unless you were a developer or a tester, you couldnโ€™t earn a dime playing them. Yeah, itโ€™s mostly associated with being unproductive. But these days, you can make money playing video games. With competitions and monetization models, some are even able to make a great living doing so. 

Itโ€™s just like the old saying: โ€œFind a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.โ€ Just imagine getting money doing your favorite leisure activity. Thatโ€™s all nice, but youโ€™re probably wondering how you can become a paid gamer. 

Although itโ€™s not impossible, bear in mind that there are some things you need to know first. It takes some time and effort, but youโ€™ll be able to get there. Are you aiming to become a pro or just have an income on the side? Here are some ways how you can make money playing video games.

Become a video game-oriented content creator

These days, YouTube is everything. Aside from other video hosting platforms, all the entertaining content is there. And gamers love YouTube. Be it professional or casual, gamers of all kinds record videos for YouTube. 

But the best part about it is that you can monetize your content. For many years now, plenty of YouTubers have made a living this way. And aside from this, you can also find sponsors for product placement in your videos.

Of course, youโ€™ll need to grow first. It takes a lot of time to grow your YouTube channel and you need to post a lot of content. But it can be a great source of income. 

It can be a great additional method in combination with some others that weโ€™ll mention here. For instance, you can be a developer or a QA tester who plays or reacts to different games. 

Start live-streaming your playthroughs

Live streaming your playthroughs is a great way to go as well. For this purpose, you can use any platform that allows you to stream. The most popular one is Twitch, especially because it allows your fans to pay you directly. Of course, this means that you need to build a fanbase first. But in combination with social media and other channels, you can do so through Twitch as well. 

Other platforms are great for this as well. For instance, YouTube can also come in handy here. Also, you can put up a Patreon or any other crowdfunding platform link there for people to pay you. Or you can also just put your PayPal or crypto wallet and ask for donations.

Using crowdfunding platforms as a content creator

Crowdfunding platforms are also a great way for any content creators to earn money. Patreon is one of the biggest, but you also have other options out there as well. Of course, this model canโ€™t work on its own. You need to do it in combination with your YouTube channel and social media. Offer your fans some new entertaining content, and keep them coming back to your channels. 

The method works for pretty much any type of content creators. Gamers are just one of those.  

Become a developer

It may be hard work, but you can also become a game developer. Itโ€™s a long road and you need to be a really good programmer. But youโ€™ll technically get to play video games for a living. 

Yes, this is a completely different approach. But if youโ€™re into coding and you have a talent for it, then game development is a viable career path.

Become a QA tester

Likewise, QA testing is another great way to play video games for a living. In fact, thereโ€™s a chance youโ€™ll play more as a QA tester. After all, youโ€™ll have to find all the possible problems and bugs within a game that youโ€™re testing. 

Becoming a QA tester is simpler than becoming a programmer. Itโ€™s in no way a simple job, but itโ€™s easier to get a job playing games this way.

Become a storyboard artist

If youโ€™re more into art and graphic design, then you can also try and become a storyboard artist. Additionally, youโ€™ll also need other kinds of creativity for this job.

Youโ€™ll have to put things together and make sense out of a game, both visually and story-wise.

Gaming tournaments and professional eSport gaming

But if you want to focus on gaming itself, doing tournaments can be a way to earn money. We live in times when gaming tournaments are so widespread. Wherever you come from, there has to be some type of tournament out there. 

These are usually more dynamic games. It can either be first-person shooters, MOBA, or strategy stuff. Something thatโ€™s attractive for mass audiences. Additionally, this can be a great way for you into professional eSports waters. But youโ€™ll need to practice. A lot. 

Although very attractive to many, eSports can be tough. You need to bear in mind that itโ€™s not for everyone. Just like with physical sports, the process can be long and no one guarantees youโ€™ll become a pro gamer.  

Video game-oriented journalism and podcasts

Another interesting way to earn money is to do gaming-oriented journalism or podcasts. This can either be independent work or for a bigger news outlet. Doing reviews is important, and gaming journalists have a lot of work on their hands. 

Becoming an independent journalist can be pretty lucrative. But like with everything else listed here, it takes time to build your audience. Podcasts can be very interesting too, but youโ€™ll need to find a way to get good guests on board.


If youโ€™re a pro or a semi-pro gamer, coaching can be a viable source of income. As already mentioned, becoming a full-on professional competitive gamer is a difficult path. And even if youโ€™re really good, itโ€™s not a guarantee that youโ€™ll end up in these waters. 

If you make a breakthrough in the professional eSports world or not, your skills can still work for you. Besides, tutorials, you can also do coaching. There are plenty of young enthusiasts who are looking for ways to sharpen up their gaming skills. And if youโ€™re particularly good at a certain game (or games), you can offer your services to others. 

Whatโ€™s good about coaching as a gamer is that you can do it both as a side gig and as your primary source of income. Maybe you just want to make money between jobs with your hobby. Are you currently earning money from content creation, pro gaming, or anything else? If so, coaching allows you to add to your income. But, it can be a side gig in combination with other stuff, be it gaming or non-gaming-related.

Of course, if youโ€™re planning to coach, you need to be up-to-date with all the trends in your field. It also requires a lot of investments, both for hardware and new games. 

In-game bodyguard work

Although it may sound weird to some, in-game โ€œbodyguardโ€ work is an actual thing. As you may know, gaming can be tough. Being a game-carrying player requires a lot of skill. But hereโ€™s where โ€œmercenaryโ€ gamers come into play. 

You can put your skills to work as a so-called โ€œbodyguard.โ€ This means that youโ€™ll be a hired gun that will help a specific player or group of players. Your tasks would include: 

  • Shielding them from enemy fire or other sorts of damage
  • Guide them through the map
  • Scout for the enemies
  • Locate required objects and items

Itโ€™s a difficult task, though, especially for MOBA games where youโ€™ll need to acquire XP and still die all the time. Your priority is to save the player who paid you. Yet, you still need to be strong enough to do it throughout a single match.

What you need to know

No matter how attractive it looks, becoming a paid gamer isnโ€™t easy. This is especially the case with content creators, streamers, and podcasters. You need to be special and stand out from the crowd. Otherwise, youโ€™ll just blend in with countless people worldwide. After all, a lot of them are doing low-effort gaming videos and streams. 

If you want to earn money easily, you need to approach it like any other work. Sure, it will be fun, but youโ€™ll need to be disciplined and serious about it. This not only requires good equipment but constant improvement as well. 

Itโ€™s not just about sitting all day and playing random games. If youโ€™re a content creator, then find ways to be more engaging. If you want to be a coach, keep your skills sharp all the time and find out about new stuff. If youโ€™re a developer or a QA tester, then youโ€™ll have a lot of things to learn about all the time. 

As we already mentioned, itโ€™s not impossible to earn money playing games. But, at the end of the day, itโ€™s work.