Best jobs to make money online while in college

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Some of the best jobs for students in college are the ones done no matter where they work. There are many ways to earn money as a student. The flexible schedule allows students to be able to do the job everywhere. No matter if they are in a dorm, or going back home for the holidays.

There are employers that will recruit students to work from home. For example, the Apple company will train students in customer support. Amazon as well. Most of these companies will try to work around the studentโ€™s school schedules. This will allow them a secure income and time for schooling and progress.

Jobs vs Gigs

While exploring the possibilities, there are several positions available. The responsibility for a specific job may seem similar. But the payment method is different, depending on the employer. Daily engagement in a traditional sense is employment. It does not matter if you are working remotely or travel to work daily. Your employer should have the obligation to pay taxes for your paycheck. Many students work part-time and get paid by the hour.

If you are a contractor, administration can be a bit more complicated. As a self-employed individual, you are responsible for taxes. Contractors earn money by the hour or project.

There are some basic differences between employed and independent contractors. Being aware of these differences will allow you to estimate what is worth your time.

What are the differences between a dependent and an independent contractor?

Considering the changes on the market it is important to know what your rights are. When providing any type of service there are common practices to follow.

Independent contractors do work for themselves. They can have an agreement with companies. There can also be individuals that pay for the services offered. More importantly, you are responsible for your taxes. You do not have the right to any benefits from the country (including health and dental insurance).

You also need to be careful about your income. Tax reports are important. This is why you need to track all your income and transactions in general. It is by practice that your clients will not keep the federal and state taxes, but you will need to pay them.

If you are a dependent contractor- employed

Any worker is an employee if the employer controls the work performance. They are responsible for maintaining performance. They are in control of how/when you do something. As a worker, it is your obligation to be there on time and fill the required norm.

Employers that are on payroll donโ€™t have to worry about taxes, social and medical security. All workers have the right to financial compensation for their time and services. As well as insurance for unemployment.

If you are an independent contractor

Independent contractors decide how and when they will work. Companies do not tell independent contractors what to do and how to do it. What matters is the end result and how they achieve it.

Independent contractors usually set their own pace. They get paid on an independent basis, either at a fixed rate or at the rate of work. The duration of their work can vary. Independent project deadlines and details of their earnings are in the contract. Both parties need to confirm the details before starting work.

Independent contractors pay their own taxes to their state tax office. They are not entitled to any benefits. Including those prescribed by law, such as unemployment and workersโ€™ compensation. This is because they are not employed by the company.

Pros and cons

There are advantages and disadvantages for both a worker and an independent contractor. Generally speaking, this comes down to the issue of job security versus freedom.

As an employee, you enjoy the benefits. The security of knowing that you will have permanent work in the foreseeable future if you work well. Yet, you also need to adjust to your work schedule and overtime options. Also, to be able to work in settings determined by your employer.

Independent contractors have the freedom to decide when, how, and how much they will work. These decisions need to balance their need to earn enough money. Making an effort can secure payment for taxes and health insurance as well.

The most important thing is to have a clear view of your ambitions. The majority of the time, working for someone is not ideal. But working solo is more stressful. No matter the type of work, always be clear with the requirements. Read the terms of the contract and go through all the details before signing.

Types of jobs to make money online

Many jobs from an office environment can now perform anywhere. The technology makes it easier to work online with remote managers and associates.

Workers working at home, libraries, cafes, workplaces, and parks. There should be plenty of space on campus to use. You can find local cooperative spaces, business information, and community members working nearby.

If you want to work online, you need:

  • access to high-speed Internet
  • a reliable computer
  • a quiet place to work.

For tasks that involve telephone operations, you will also need:

  • noise-canceling headset
  • and dial.

If the person who hires you sets the schedule, you need the flexibility to commit to that schedule. For freelance gigs, you can set your own schedule. You should still be able to meet deadlines for clients.

The best virtual jobs for students

Depending on your skillset there are many jobs you can find. Some are entry-level, and some do need a specific set of skills.

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants provide remote administrative services. Think of the role of an administrative assistant who is not in the office.

Responsibilities may include handling phone calls and emails. You need to be familiar with creating spreadsheets and documents. Also writing, editing, invoicing, and paying bills.

What you will do depends on who you work for and the service they need. Superior communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multitask will help.

Virtual data entry

This is another job that you can do remotely. Data entry professionals need strong typing and written communication skills.

Online data entry is a business known for online scams. So it is important to be careful when reviewing options. Before applying for a data entry job, take the time to make sure the company is legitimate.

Project management

Full-time project managers keep all components of the project. This includes implementation and execution, on track for completion or overdue.

You need some advanced skills for this position, such as:

  • strong communication
  • time management
  • organization
  • interpersonal skills
  • ability to coordinate the work processes of different departments and contractors.

Virtual practice

This is a great way to gain skills in your career. The internship you do will give you work experience to support your teaching. It will help you apply for employment when you start looking for a full-time job.

Many employers are hiring virtual trainees to work outside the traditional environment.


These are small jobs or tasks to earn money clicking that pay small amounts such as $ 5 or $ 10. These small jobs will not give you a huge salary. They will give you extra money in your pocket without the need to commit to a long-term job or project. Do enough, and your earnings will increase.

Freelance writing

Writing on your own can lead to a variety of online opportunities. This could be for a website linked to your main, blog or college life site.

Data entry

This is another business where there are many scams that you will have to avoid. Check every company as best as you can. Data entry can be an easy job. It is great for entry-level freelancers in any niche.

Managing academic online resources

Academic and administrative departments sometimes need help managing online resources. If you have web skills, there are opportunities to create and manage content. Take a look at the campaign worksheets to see whatโ€™s available.

Teaching English online

There are many opportunities to teach English on the Internet to foreign students. There are also professionals who want to get English language skills.

Your responsibilities may include:

  • lesson plans
  • video communication
  • progress monitoring
  • report writing

Depending on your job, you may need to work on a weekly schedule.

Virtual call agent

This is for students with excellent communication skills. They must have the ability to multitask. Some of the available positions include customer service, telemarketing, reservations, scheduling, and sales. Whether you have excellent communication skills you can check out Upcall.

Website & app tester

Designers and developers hire user testers. Their job is to test the functionality of a website, application, and game. Look for bugs and problems and report what you find. For example, Usertesting pays $ 10 for each site you check.

Technical support representative

Many technical support companies hire remote employees to handle calls. You need expertise in:

  • problem-solving ability
  • communication skills needed to solve the problem
  • to ensure customer satisfaction

Beware of scams

As with many online ad lists, it is important to be careful when applying for online jobs. Look out for positions that charge you a training, certification, or supply fee. If the salary sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Starting can be hard. Start by researching the type of business you feel comfortable working in. Add terms such as โ€œvirtual,โ€ โ€œremoteโ€ and โ€œonlineโ€ to your search. There are also sites that you can visit to find job listings.

Tip: Read another article about online jobs for college students to make money easily. Best of luck!