7 Proven ways to make money online with no experience

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

People are constantly searching for proven ways to make money online. That’s expected, as the online job market is getting bigger. Plus, daily expenses are not getting any smaller. But what happens if you have little to no experience? The truth is, there are some ways to earn money without being a pro in some field. The online job market is so broad that it really offers many job opportunities. You just need to find out what you like and try it out. Even though you’ll be going from the bottom level, you would build your experience. So, over time you could advance.

That’s why we created a list of useful online jobs. It should help you narrow down your choices and see if these hustles suit you. A good thing is that some of the following tasks require little time. So, that way you’ll be able to combine them with your other responsibilities. Read on, and find the way to gain revenue without experience.

7 Useful ways to make money online without experience

Ready to jump on to some interesting ways to gain income? Check out the following list of 7 great ways to boost your budget with no experience.

#1 Renting out things

You really don’t need any experience for this. Renting stuff you don’t can be a great way to gain income. All you need is a trustworthy website to assist you. That’s where FriendWithA.com kicks in.

This site allows everyone to post stuff they want to rent. But, you probably wondering: what if someone breaks your goods? Well, you don’t need to worry about that. This site offers insurance for an extra fee. Plus, FriendWithA has an integrated review system. That way both parties can track ratings. So, you’ll know if someone is reliable, and others will also know if you are.

Paying process is also easy. You will need to provide your bank details and choose the date of payment. This site has integrated Stripe software, so you’ll know your money is secured.

All you need to do is promote your stuff a bit. Take a photo, post it to the site, and wait for the rent request. So, this is a really no-experience hustle. Al you need is stuff, patience, and time.

#2 Transcription

Transcription jobs are proven ways to make money online. They sometimes require experience, but you can find offers for newbies. Transcription requires listening to an audio file and writing down everything you hear. You will need a computer with decent internet speed. Starting with this hustle, you could do more general transcriptions. Because more specified fields often require some previous experience.

When it comes to payment, there are often two ways. Get paid for the audio length or the number of written characters. It doesn’t matter how long it took you to do the job.

So, have in mind, one-hour audio can take as long as 6-8 hours to transcribe. Pretty time-consuming, right? But, you need to start somewhere. So, you never know where this may take you.

There are numerous transcribing sites online. Some of them are:

  • TranscribeMe
  • Rev.com
  • Daily Transcription

#3 Writing

Do you like to write and have a talent for it? Then you should try making some money with your natural skills. Of course, be prepared to bump into a lot of advanced-level job requirements. But, don’t be discouraged. There are entry-level writing gigs for people with little or no experience.

You just need to start and practice regularly. Building your writing portfolio is never easy, and it requires time. But, with hard work, you should see results. Over time, as your writing experience rises, you’ll be able to earn more money.

But, at first, be patient and prepare to gain lower amounts. There are popular sites that offer lots of writing tasks. Check out some of them:

  • TextBroker
  • Article Document
  • HubPages

#4 Social media managing

Do you like social media channels? Creating and posting content on social media is the job of the modern age. The majority of people have one or more profiles on these networks. That creates a great chance for engagement. Many companies promote their services through these channels. And they often need people to manage their social media.

That’s where you kick in. You could start managing social media for a small fee. With no experience, you can’t expect a lot of money at the start. But, an entry-level position could open you new career paths in the future.

The main responsibilities of social media manager include:

  • Creating content
  • Scheduling posts
  • Answering DMs
  • Follow trends
  • Take care of marketing campaigns

There are also handy tools that can help you manage Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. For example, Apphi is a useful tool. Or, if you need assistance with Pinterest managing, try out Tailwind.

The hourly wage for social media managing goes from $10-$50. But, this mainly depends on experience and skills.

So, it’s possible to start your social media career from scratch, but prepare to work hard.

#5 Blogging

Do you have the experience to share or a story to tell? Why not try out one of the proven ways to make money online? Creating a blog often doesn’t require experience. But, you should have a passion for some topic and a willingness to share it with others. At first, blogging usually doesn’t bring money. The most important thing about a blog is content.

So, after content starts to bring you traffic, monetization becomes an option. Blog monetization often includes sponsored posts and/or affiliate marketing. These are the most popular ways bloggers gain income.

Let’s describe what these two are about.

  • Sponsored posts. Very often brands pay bloggers to mention their products in a blog post. Of course, bloggers should recommend a product only if they genuinely like it. Having a blog is all about honesty and sharing passion. So, people can easily see if the blogger is not reliable.
  • Affiliate marketing. You’ve probably heard of affiliate programs. Maybe the most famous is Amazon’s one. Being an affiliate means placing a referral link into your content. When people buy a product referred from your site, you gain commission. Also, honesty is mandatory here. No one likes when bloggers recommend something just to gain money.

So, having a blog doesn’t require experience, but it requires time. It also requires consistency and learning.

#6 Translation

Considering you’re fluent in two languages, translation can be a nice choice. It seems that translation is very popular amongst online jobs. This type of work doesn’t require experience. But, you need to be good at grammar. There is an option to work for a company or be a freelancer. However, prepare to start from scratch.

Without any translating experience, you’ll need to build your career. Just like with any other job. So be sure to check out the sites such as Freelancer and Upwork. 

You could also check popular companies that offer a translation:

  • Gengo
  • Da Translations
  • VerbalizIt

Also, remember, translation can be an option only if you’re excellent in two languages. If not, it definitely goes out from the “no experience” list of jobs.

#7 Surveys

This one definitely doesn’t require any experience. Did you know you can earn money by answering paid surveys? It’s that easy. Sites like Metroopinion offer you a chance to gain income online. Plus, you can do it without any knowledge.

Here’s how to earn money with surveys:

  • Sign up to survey site
  • Get survey questions via email
  • Answer a survey
  • Get paid

See? No experience is needed. You don’t even need some extra time. You could do surveys while chilling next to your favorite show.

Mostly, surveys are about some companies’ products. By answering them, you’re providing valuable feedback as a customer. If you like playing mini-games, you would probably like surveys. So, try out this no-experience task, and gain income soon.

Are there any other proven ways to make money online with no experience?

Did you like these 7 proven ways to make money without experience? Online jobs are very popular nowadays. It’s no wonder so many people are choosing online and remote careers. It’s also logical that many people with no experience want to start a career online.

Besides the mentioned ways to earn money online, here are a few more examples for the end:

  • Data entry
  • Customer service
  • Search engine evaluator
  • Website testing
  • Virtual assistant
  • Make money by walking

The bottom line

Finding a job is never easy. Especially when you have no experience. But, as you’ve seen, many jobs don’t require special expertise. It may take you a while until you find something that suits you. But, in the end, something will show up. Just stick with the proven ways to make money online.

Meanwhile, you can always work on your skills and higher the chances of finding the job. Of course, don’t forget about easy ways to earn side bucks. Surveys are great for that. They are a really quick way to earn money. Plus, you won’t need any experience at all. You can always combine them with your current job too.

So, don’t be discouraged if you have no experience. Just be persistent, work hard. And happy job hunting!