9 Ways for students to make money from their dorm

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Are there any paths or ways for students to make money on the side?

We all know the sad legend of the indebted student. There’s no need to emphasize the negative financial position of your average pregraduate. With that in mind, we’re gonna spin the story so it has a happy end. It won’t sound like a fairytale, just so you know.

Nowadays, there are a lot of ways for students to make money using only their computers. You might already know some of them. Even so, you should read the text below. That even rhymes! Anyway, we’ll show you paths to the financial stability you long for. Stick around!

#1 Become a freelance writer

Freelance writing is one of the simplest ways to earn some funds while in college. 

Some of you may think this position demands exceptional knowledge or fine experience. The truth is a bit different. If you’re a beginner – all you need is motivation. Besides, of course, a passion for writing. Let’s see what else should you know about freelance writing.

Where to start?

You might wonder what it takes to become a freelance writer. A little piece of information, that’s what. Sites like Upwork and Fiverr offer many possibilities for beginners. You may have a hard time finding clients at first. But, eventually, everything will fall into place.

You’re going to need some patience. Besides talent and hard work, of course. Once you find the right clientele, you’ll get to enjoy the benefits of your effort. Most Upwork/Fiverr users point out freelance writing is an ideal job for a student.

Why is this an ideal position for a student?

First of all, you get to choose your working hours. Of course, there will be deadlines and you’ll have to meet them. Still, you can organize your time more efficiently.

You can also see freelance writing as a career investment. The ability to write well is a must for some of your future job applications. You never know where a side job can take you!

#2 Proofreading might suit you more

No, we didn’t write this article for literature students only. Anyone with a good eye for grammar and punctuation is more than suitable for this job.

Use the skills you already have

Some folks have a natural need to edit other people’s material. We all have that one friend that loves to correct everyone’s grammar. Do you recognize yourself in the previous sentence? If so, proofreading might be the perfect work-from-dorm job for you.

Employers value when candidates have an eye for details

As was the case with freelance writing, proofreading will also prove valuable in the long run. One can assume employees love candidates with an eye for details. Also, you’ll handle business correspondence with ease. Sending a quality cover letter for your next job won’t be much of a problem for you.

#3 Social media manager – it’s not like you aren’t one now

For this part-time job, you’ll need to apply the skills you’re already using. If you’re not boycotting social media, that is.

This option is a great way to earn some money on the side. Students have an advantage because this job shouldn’t use up much of their time.

Search for the right client

If you have the opportunity, you can try finding your first client among your friends. They can also help you in the search process. That’s the best kind of start – using the so-called warm connections.

What if that doesn’t work out?

Well, there are always cold business connections. Like we’ve already mentioned, check Upwork or Fiverr. Also, a good LinkedIn profile with your presentation can do the trick. Last but not least, you can launch a Facebook ad that will promote your services.

#4 Paid online surveys – a fun and easy way to earn some funds

If you’re studying social sciences, we guess you know how surveys work. What if we said you can make money by answering surveys? It’s definitely one of the ways for students to make money straight from their dorm rooms. Let’s take a closer look at the world of paid online surveys.

What’s the deal?

There’s no need to mention that our economy partly lies on consumer opinion. Delving into the mind of the regular buyer is something companies try to do. They use online surveys to achieve that goal.

If you love to share your opinion on a broad set of topics, this one is for you. Although, you’ll have to be patient. Let’s see why.

How does it function?

Check the internet for websites providing this kind of service and register. Based on the information you provide, you’ll either get an invite to complete a certain survey or not. That’s why you need to be patient. Your demographics might not interest certain companies.

The more time it takes to complete one, the bigger the pay.

Different service providers offer different methods of paying or reward systems. Sometimes the payment can come in the form of gift cards, discounts, free miles, and so on. Of course, sometimes it’s real money. Still, both options are great for fulfilling some of your college needs.

#5 Have you tried graphic design?

Since we covered the literary types in the first segment, let’s try something else. How about we offer something to visual artists present in the student population? 

If you have a knack for building visual presentations, you’ll enjoy this job. It can be very easy and rewarding if you’ve got the right set of skills. Also, a lot of free tutorials offer to show you graphic design basics. In other words, you have no excuse to delay learning.

Is it hard to find clients?

It most certainly is. Building up your profile/portfolio on Upwork can take some time. Still, you can see it as a slow rise to the top. 

As always, the trick is to be patient. Clients are not going to flock in as soon as you create a profile.

How to make yourself visible?

Here we’ll suggest a strategy. Since you’re good at making visual presentations, why not make one for yourself? 

Also, use some of your social capital. Ask around to see if someone needs a quality graphic designer. That’s probably how you will get your first gigs.

#6 Resume writer – a good career investment, if there ever was one

It’s safe to assume a lengthy job introduction isn’t needed here.

How to write a hot resume?

There are numerous free online workshops for this. Take advantage of that fact! You’ll provide yourself with a set of skills everyone needs.

Who are the clients?

Like we said, everyone. Many folks have a hard time figuring out how to write a quality resume. Again, you can use the available social capital to promote your little business. There’s a chance you’ll become pretty popular on campus.

#7  Looking for: search engine evaluator, no previous experience needed

This is also one of the ways for students to make money. There’s a chance you didn’t hear about this position before. Let’s elaborate.

Who is a search engine evaluator?

A person that rates or evaluates the relevance of search results. Who could’ve guessed? Currently, this is one of the most sought-after positions.

You don’t need any prior experience to do this job. Wondering are there any similar jobs? Click right here.

Is there much work to be done?

An average search engine evaluator work week can be between 15 to 30 hours. Of course, it depends on the time you can invest in it.

#8 Virtual recruiter – let’s see who needs a job around here

Are you good at finding quality service providers? Do you think you apply those skills to people on the lookout for a job? If so, this job is just the thing for you. Virtual recruiting is one of the most popular ways for students to make money.

Basic information

A virtual recruiter is a hunter who finds his prey on LinkedIn. That was supposed to be a joke… Anyway, as a virtual recruiter, you’ll be posting jobs online and browsing LinkedIn. There you’ll try to find potential candidates for the job and contact them.

Will I be doing job interviews?

You’ll probably be in charge of initial phone interviews. Afterward, the candidates will be handled by hiring managers or other relevant employees.

#9 Become an influencer

Do you have a passion or a hobby you’re good at? Do you have good social media skills?

If the answer to both questions above is a YES, you might have the potential to become an influencer. That’s one of the ways for students to make money.

How do you do it?

Try sharing content that you love on your social media platforms. If you hit a sweet spot, your audience will only grow.

What about salary?

Later on, you might be able to sell your services or products to potential customers. Of course, you’ll also be able to advertise other people’s services and products. Both options pay pretty well.

Let’s do a quick walkthrough

In case you’ve forgotten something, let’s see what are the ways for students to make money. You can try:

  • freelance writing 
  • proofreading
  • managing social media
  • paid online surveys
  • graphic design
  • writing resumes
  • search engine evaluation
  • virtual recruiting
  • influencing

That’s about it, folks. We’re sure you’ll pick at least 1/9 of things we’ve counted and find an ideal side job!