8 Ways to make money on the weekend with your laptop

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Everyone knows that boosting your budget is important. No matter how frugal you are or how much you save, there are always unexpended costs. If you want to recover after them,  you’ll need to prepare with care. A good idea for boosting your budget is to find a side job.

Making money outside of your working hours doesn’t have to be difficult. There are a lot of side hustles you can try until you find the right one for you. We’ve made a list of the best ways to make money on the weekend with only your laptop or smartphone.


Making and maintaining a blog is one of the most common jobs people choose to do as a side hustle. This is because it is easy to start, despite what some people think. You need a laptop and some free time during the weekend. You can write about anything! As long as you like the topic and have some knowledge about it you’re good to go.

While it is easy to start, making money from your blog takes a bit of time. Get ready for some waiting before your first payday. But once it starts going, there are a lot of options to make money. Ads and sponsored content are the best earners in most cases.

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of setting up your own blog, you can write for someone else. There are a lot of job opportunities for creative, commercial, or marketing writers. The downside is that you’ll have to compromise with what you’re writing. That is unless you find a blog that writes about the topics you like.


  • Easy to start.
  • You can write about anything.
  • Easy to get a part-time job.


  • Takes some time to start earning (unless you’re writing for a paycheck).

Write an ebook

If you have so much to say that it just wouldn’t fit in a blog post, you can write a book about it. Writing ebooks has become very popular and very profitable. And if you’re any good it’s one of the best ways to make money on the weekend. You can write from anywhere, which is nice. Also, you can write about anything you like and know about. This would make the job much easier.

In addition to all this, writing an ebook is an easy source of recurring income you can make from home. After your write the ebook, you can set it up on a selling platform. Once your book starts selling, you won’t need to lift a finger. You’ll get money from each sale.


  • You can take as much time as you need to complete it.
  • A great source of passive income.


  • Takes a while to start earning.
  • You need to be good at writing.

Make money on the weekend as an online tutor

Teaching children is a very rewarding job. Unfortunately, not many people know how to do it right. This is why online tutors are in high demand. If you can teach anything, you can find a job. In most situations, you’ll work with younger students. But, if you are qualified, you can find more advanced students to teach.

Online teaching presents some challenges, though. You will need a quiet place to work from. Most people don’t want to invest in a home office for a job they’re only doing on the weekends. But, if you’re already equipped to work from home, you can give it a go.


  • There are a lot of job openings.
  • The job is interesting if you like teaching children.
  • The money is good.


  • You’ll need a quiet home office to work from.
  • Your schedule won’t be very flexible.

English teacher

Teaching English is one of the most popular online tutoring jobs. If you are a native speaker of English, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a side job. There are a lot of online schools looking for an ESOL teacher.

The pros and cons are almost the same as with any tutoring job. There is one difference. You don’t need a degree in English to become an online English teacher. So, if you are a native speaker and have good communication skills you can find teaching jobs online.

Start a YouTube channel to make money on the weekend

If you like sharing your ideas in front of a camera, you can start a YouTube channel. Keep in mind that this will take some time to set up. You will need a lot of views and subscribers to get any money from your channel. You can even make money on Youtube without making a single video. Of course, this will be more difficult, but it can still work.


  • You can do it from anywhere (depending on the topic of your channel).
  • Once the money starts coming in, there’s a lot of it.


  • Takes a lot of time to build up an audience.
  • You’ll need to keep your content fresh.

Online surveys

When looking for a weekend gig it’s good to find a job that won’t take too much of your time. There are ways to make money on the weekend working only a couple of minutes a day.

You can earn money online with paid surveys. There is demand for public opinion is high. For example, businesses need to conduct research about products. In other cases, some researchers need statistics for their research. They get this from surveys. All you need to do is register and you’ll start receiving surveys that fit you. After completing surveys, you’ll get paid. It’s as easy as that. And it won’t take up a lot of time.


  • Easy to start and do.
  • Won’t take up much of your time.


  • You’ll need to be consistent to make an income.

Transcribing is an easy way to make money on the weekend

Transcription is a great way to make money for those who type fast. There are many websites that offer transcribing jobs. Also, if you have good headphones, you can work this job from the beach.

Transcribing doesn’t come without its challenges. The audio material you receive won’t be flawless. And sometimes you’ll need to listen to it more than once. But, transcribing still makes a good weekend job!


  • It’s profitable if you’re a fast typist.
  • You can do it anywhere as long as you have a pair of headphones and a laptop.


  • It can be difficult to do.

Sell your arts and crafts

If you draw, sculpt, knit, do woodworking, or make anything with your hands you can sell it online. These days It’s easy to market your works and find new commissions. You just need to make an account on the social media network your target audience visits the most. You can make a lot of money selling your creations. And after some time, you’re bound to get commissions. These are the most interesting ways to make money on the weekend.

Of course, you’ll need a workstation or a separate room for doing this job. A separate place to work will help you make better items, which will make more money. This will be true even when you’re doing this only on the weekends. So, make sure you invest in the proper equipment for whatever you need.


  • A job that will allow you to creatively express yourself.
  • The better you are, the more you’ll earn.


  • You’ll need a workstation or a separate room for doing this job, even on the weekend.

Make money on the weekend performing tasks for people online

If you have a set of specialized skills, there are a lot of ways to make money on the weekend by doing things for people. There are many websites that give you a chance to make money online. Websites like Fiverr or UpWork allow people to post jobs. You can apply your skills to do the jobs posted and earn money. Just make sure you’re not taking up too much work. If you want to do it over the weekends, don’t overload yourself with work.

If you don’t want to do online jobs and prefer to work outside the house, you can check out TaskRabbit. This website also lets you do simpler tasks. These are more hands-on, like helping someone move their home.

Whichever option you choose, you’ll need to leave some of your profit to the website where you found the job. This is the cost of doing business this way. The good news is that you can withdraw money from them with ease. All of the apps we mentioned allow you to withdraw money from various sources like PayPal.


  • A lot of different jobs for different skillsets.
  • Working as a freelancer part-time is easy.


  • The platforms that helped you find the job will take a percentage of your paycheck.

There are a lot of different ways to make money on the weekend. You should keep a few things in mind before you decide which ones you want to give a go. Your availability will be the most important one. Decide how many hours of your weekend you’re ready to sacrifice on your side hustle. Also, figure out whether you can stick to a consistent schedule. A lot of weekend side hustles give you some flexibility. For others, you’ll need to stick to a fixed schedule.