Make money as a stay-at-home mom โ€“ 8 Flexible online jobs

By Andjela | Jun 30 2022

Many mothers want to work and earn money during or after maternity leave. Being a stay-at-home mom and creating an income is an enigma for people who donโ€™t have children. Working from home for moms is in the modern age. It provides the conditions for this kind of work, very achievable and often sought after. But, sometimes it can be difficult for moms to choose a good type of job.

Newborns need constant attention. Small children need to play and make noise. This is all true and well, but there are remote positions that allow mothers to be flexible. It is very important to be realistic. Make a list of skills, time, and availability you can offer. It might take some planning and a lot of stress, but it can work. Trying to get support from the entire family.

Also, pamper yourself a bit. Make a list of goals you want to achieve. Remember to destress and find at least one hour a week for some mom time. No work, no kids, no house chores. Just you.

In this article, we made a list of 8 flexible jobs that fit the busy schedule. Letโ€™s reflect on them!

1. Blogger โ€“ a great job for creative moms

Nothing can surpass the feeling that you are โ€œyour bossโ€, working according to your plan and goals. Creating a blog provides just that kind of satisfaction. This is a creative job. And the only thing that is important for a blog to be successful is to have interesting and quality content. How to write a successful blog that can create a passive income?

Working for moms from home in the form of blogging requires only a few tricks and skills. You need to have a nice expression, knowledge of technology and necessary equipment. Interest and love for the topic you choose are the most important.

This can eventually become a great home-based business for moms. It can produce great earnings as well as satisfaction. Keep in mind to choose the topic according to your skills and interests.

2. Freelance writer โ€“ a job for moms who enjoy writing

Freelance is a modern term that refers to project work, not permanent employment. Any mom who loves to write (especially if she has a good knowledge of a foreign language) can work as a writer from home. Just search for the ads on our platform to see how much this job is looking for.

Writing blogs for others, as opposed to writing for yourself, leads to secure earnings. You can also write product descriptions, announcements and create content for social networks.

Every mother who is willing to dedicate herself to education on this topic will thrive. She can find all the necessary educational material on the Internet. Love and talent for writing are a must, and everything else comes in time.

3. Teaching from home โ€“ a job for moms who are experts in a field

Teaching can be fun at the same time, and make great money. This is a home-based job for moms who have high knowledge in a certain field. It can be an excellent source of income. Any type of knowledge (from a foreign language to crocheting) can be used. Take courses or offer one on one sessions (live or online).

This can only be challenging for mothers with newborns and very young children. Their daily routine is unpredictable and focused on the child 24/7.

Online teaching is an increasingly popular way to earn money. But the popularity of classes at home is not waning either. All that is needed is knowledge and a well-written advertisement.
Raise your chances through social media platforms. Create content and promote your services. Candidates interested in classes will surely apply soon.

4. Participating in online focus groups โ€“ a rare but easiest job from home for moms

Less popular and sought after are focus groups. They are a great way to make money. Before launching a certain product or service, companies look for beta testers. Planning and gathering data is important for every serious company. They will do the research. Whether the project is essential or not. This research also includes assembling a focus group, which is often done online.

Every mother can take part in focus groups from home and thus make money. All that is needed is daily monitoring of ads in this area. You also need to have a computer and a stable internet connection. In some cases a webcam, but today smartphones got you covered.

Tip: You can make money online by clicking with just using your phone or laptop. You canโ€™t actually make a living out of it, but it can be a suitable side-gig.

5. Online sales โ€“ a home-based business for moms who have a sense of commerce

Reselling products or making your own is another great way moms can make money from home. It takes a hobby, craft, and a small sense of business.

From selling old clothes as vintage to upcycling the sky is your limit. Making original products is more interesting, but is harder to find a target audience. It is a good idea to enroll in some course about product advertisement. Research and learn everything you can about online sales.

There are many options to choose from. Some websites are free to resell old things, some allow you to have a personalized small shop. The possibilities are endless and depend entirely on you.

It takes an idea and, of course, knowledge of the legal regulation of online commerce.

Tip: Speaking of e-commerce platforms, you should check out Etsy. It is excellent for any home-based business!

6. Event planning

Have you often been asked for your opinion and advice on how to organize a party or birthday? Do you have excellent organizational skills, negotiation skills, and emphasized creativity? Then this is your dream job.

Start with small organizations. Have a few birthdays and themed parties for friends. In time you may reach a level that will surpass more serious event organizers. Gradually build an audience and scope of services.

Large receptions, weddings, donor parties, and whatever comes to mind. The most important thing to know is how to offer and sell the service.

Work on your promotions online and get in touch with clients very quickly. What is very important is that you can do most of the work from home. This will allow you to remain primarily committed to your children. And you have enough outdoor activities, so the house will not โ€œchokeโ€ you.

7. Online advisor/asistant

Increasingly, organizations and individuals are choosing to hire someone as an online assistant. That way they save, and you make money in the comfort of your own home. In essence, the future of digital marketing is in online work. For most of that, you donโ€™t have to be in the office or on the field at all.

All you have to do is do the analysis and sort out the documents that the employer sends you electronically. Communicating through channels via email or social media allows you to do the work from home.

Every mother has top-level time management skills. This is exactly what is the most desirable feature of any assistant. In earlier times, the assistant had to be constantly with the person they worked for. But that changed, fortunately for moms who work from home, in modern times.

Several tasks can be done online. That is why virtual assistants, who can work from home โ€“ are increasingly in demand. Moms have proven to be great at these jobs!

8. Just go online

With the expansion of social networks in all aspects, you can also choose how to use them wisely. You can make an online store of clothes, furniture, appliances, or jewelry. Things can be handmade or some you already own.

Your creativity and freedom can be limitless. Share the page with your friends. Social networking is key to a fast turnaround. When people share the page with their friends, there is a higher chance for organic reach. Learn about your public and customers by preparing content that will allow engagement.

Tip: While working remotely, especially around children, there are distractions! There are a few tips and tricks you can reflect on, to avoid them.

To try and conclude

In the end, it all depends on your desire and intention to invest time and energy to make your dreams come true. It is very important to connect with people of similar interests. They can later be a useful link with the audience or potential clients.

What is a priority is your family, but that does not mean that you neglect your dreams. But try to believe in them more than ever. Every room in your house can be the beginning of a new career. Let your imagination run wild and believe in yourself. This is the first step, on the way to the realization of great ideas.

These are just some of the common tasks and ways in which moms make money from home. There is no doubt that on this list, every mother can find the job that suits her best. Donโ€™t hesitate and place an ad quickly and easily today โ€“ we wish you good luck in finding a job!